Why Vegan Ricans?

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Vegans because we don't need dead animal flesh inside our bodies it depletes our vitality, our mental powers and make us feel exhausted. We don't want to support factory farms and their unnecessary process of killing millions of animals for food. "Ricans" because we're native Puerto Ricans people who were born and raised in the Caribbean island, Puerto Rico "La isla del Encanto" which means "The Island of Enchantment".

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Vegan "Mofongo" Mashed Green Plantains w/ deep Fried Tempeh

"Mofongo" is a traditional puerto rican dish made with mashed green plantains and pork. We modified it and prepared the recipe with delicious Tempeh (fermented soybeans) and a flavorful "Criolla" sauce.

Mashed Green Plantains (2 servings)
2 green plantains
1 cube of veggie stock
Add salt and ground pepper to taste
Smart Balance Omega oil (for deep frying)

Peel the plantains, cut them into 1 inch chunks, fry them in hot oil until golden, drain and dry the pieces on paper towels, crush the chunks with a flat bottomed bottle and add the veggie stock to taste, place the pieces in a ramekin or a small soup cup so you can shape them, fry the plantains balls to make them crispy outside and soft inside, do not overcooked them and you'll have a wonderful Caribbean dish...

Criolla Sauce:
1/2 red pepper
1/2 green pepper
1/2 yellow pepper
1/4 purple onion
1/4 white onion
2 tablespoon chopped fresh cilantro leaves
1 tablespoon of chopped garlic
1/4 green onions
1/4 veggie buillon (w/sea salt and herbs)
1 cup organic plum tomato sauce
1/4 fresno chili pepper
salt and ground pepper to taste

Place all the ingredients in a saucepan and stir them until the bottom gets brown not burned
then reduce the sauce until a good consistency not too runny not too thick....
serve with your "mofongo"

Deep-Fried Tempeh:
1/2 pack of tempeh (soy cake)
cut them into 1 inch-strips, season with sea salt and pepper
fry them in hot oil (Smart balance omega oil)
drain and dry them on towels
voila' ready to serve!!!


Anonymous said...

Eso se ve suuuper delicioso. me emociona tanto verlos hacer tantas cositas! maiki, reconocí tu dedito. Los amo muchísimo. MUAH!

Anonymous said...

just found your site. Everything looks delish, gotta try some.

Vacation in Puerto Rico said...

Eso se ve tan rico que asi vale la pena ser vegano.Les auguro tanto exito. Sigan adelante!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

just found this site because i was looking for vegan mofongo. i love it! and thanks for the beautiful video of your recipes.

Anonymous said...

just made this and it was absolutely delicious. thanks.

Anonymous said...

missed the mofungo i had during a recent visit to puerto rico and found this site. love the visuals and music. can't wait to try this veggie version. thanks so much.

Olivia said...

Mofongo, as I remember it, was made with smashing garlic and pork rinds into the green plantains. I'd love a vegan substitute for the pork rind flavor. Any suggestions?

Olivia said...

Mofongo, as I remember it, was made by smashing garlic and pork rinds into the green plantains. I'd love a vegan substitute for the pork rind flavor. Any suggestions?

veganricans said...

Hi Olivia
try the Morningstar Farms® Veggie Bacon Strips(delicious hearty flavor of smoked bacon with a crispy bite.

Good luck:)
Vegan Ricans

Hiram said...

Awesome! Am about to try making the vegan tembleque, am also a vegetarian rican and I have my own version of the vegan mofongo: I add sazón con culantro y achiote to make it look reddish and more opulent, and I also use lots of garlic, PLUS minced olives and ARTICHOKES to create more of a Mediterranean flavor.

Will definitely b visiting your blog more often!!!